

I was very excited to share my lettuce tale with you. Lettuce is a well-loved vegetable by almost everyone and most of us would want to learn the trick to making it last longer, but because of its high water content, how do we keep lettuce crunchy for a month? we are not able to store it for a very long time before it actually goes bad. Well, That’s what we thought.

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What Is Lettuce?

Green leafy vegetables are easily degraded This is due to their high protein and calcium levels. They will not go for a week in the fridge without losing their crunchiness if not stored correctly. Don’t we just hate the taste of soggy lettuce? Continue reading to find out how to make lettuce last longer. It’s pretty easy!

Recently I’ve learned this technique that will make lettuce last longer, and I was delighted, as I am a big fan of this amazing vegetable. Even though I loved them so much I had to buy lettuce in small amounts due to the fact, that they were unstorable.

Well, this will change all that. Here is an amazing way to keep your lettuce for more than a week before it actually starts decaying.

This Is How It’s Done…

Separating the Leaves…

Step.1 Remove the sheets from the stem. Any that is sogging is already gone bad. You really don’t want to put that in with the healthy leaves.

Here Is Why…

Remove the bad leaves. Leaving the bad leaves on will only cause the good leaves to follow shortly after. This just wouldn’t make sense going through all this process to have all your lettuce go bad within a week.

Washing With Salt And Vinegar


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