
How To Get Rid Of Turkey Neck?

Saggy skin is a common enemy for everyone. It’s worse when you get it on your neck or face. Here’s everything you can do to get rid of it!

You roll out of bed, get into the bathroom, and start brushing. Like every other morning. In the middle of it, you look into the mirror and stare at yourself. And you notice the skin on your neck getting saggy. Or the skin is wrinkling with creases, folds, and ridges. You stop brushing and take a closer look at the mirror to realize that you never noticed the neck waddle before! Now, the only thing on your mind is how to get rid of turkey neck.

Turkey gobble neck, although common among humans after a certain age, is not welcomed with open hands like wisdom is. For the most part, it is the sign of aging gracefully. But you need to know how to get rid of turkey neck because who prefers sagging neck over firm neck skin? Turkeys.

How To Get Rid Of Turkey Neck Fast?

Turkey neck is a slang term used for saggy and loose skin under your neck. The name comes from the bird turkey since the red wattles that hang down from its beak resemble the saggy neck of humans. And you cannot blame those people who want to hide their turkey neck with turtlenecks and scarves because it is not exactly flattering. To get rid of the jowls and turkey neck, you need to tighten the neck fat and loose skin. There are a few different ways to help you get rid of the turkey skin on the neck. But unfortunately, not every treatment is effective.

One common doubt people share is the similarity of a turkey neck with a double chin and crepey skin. Is turkey neck the same as double chin? No, the difference between a turkey neck and a double chin is the cause of them. While a double chin appears due to the excess fat deposits around the chin, a turkey neck is usually the result of aging. Crepey skin, on the other hand, affects the surface of your neck and makes it look crinkly and rough, just like your elbows. The skin on your neck has all the ability to make it look older than the rest of you.

Before we focus on the turkey neck treatments, let’s see the causes of it. Because you need to be cautious and prevent it, right? Apart from aging, what are the causes of turkey neck?

What Are The Causes Of A Turkey Neck?

A turkey neck can be caused by the result of a combination of factors. As you are already aware of how your neck muscles begin weakening after a certain age, your skin will start to lose its elasticity along with it. The underlying musculature and the inability of the skin to stretch and stay tight result in dangling skin.

But it doesn’t stop just there. Other factors including genetics, extreme weight loss, fat distribution, bone position, collagen breakdown, sun exposure, and other environmental factors play vital roles in turkey skin on your neck. Let’s dig deeper.

Flaccid Muscles

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