Health & Fitness

How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Natural Home Remedies

3. Sweet almond oil

This oil is rich in vitamin E and provides great elasticity to our skin, keeping it young and supple. It can also be used for relaxing massages, especially when you are pregnant.

You can buy 100% pure sweet almond oil on Amazon for 11,99€.

4. Aloe vera gel

In addition to being used to alleviate sunburn, it is also effective in the treatment of stretch marks, thanks to its high levels of vitamins C and E. You will only need to apply a little of this gel on the affected areas every morning, you will have to make sure that it has been well absorbed by the skin.

5. Lemon juice

It can be applied directly on stretch marks and scars, without the need to reduce it. It is believed that its high content of vitamin C, can help the skin in the production of collagen and, thus, get improve their appearance, even if we already have stretch marks.

6. Coconut oil

Thanks to its soothing properties, it can be used as a massage oil, but also for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. You can use it in liquid form during the summer and in solid or creamy form in winter. Simply let the oil stand for a few minutes in a container with hot water, so that it is easier to apply it during massages.

7. Calendula oil

This oil has to be prepared by letting it rest in a bottle, keeping it in a dark place for three weeks. On the other hand, 50 grams of petals of this flower will be necessary to mix with 250 milliliters of olive oil. After 21 days, you must filter it and store it in a dark glass bottle, keeping it away from heat and light. This way, your calendula oil is ready! You should then apply it daily to the affected areas. You can also buy this is the best-selling calendula macerating oil on Amazon for 9,99€.

8. Horsetail

Silicon is a natural regenerator, present among the components of horsetail, a medicinal plant that is particularly effective in the case of stretch marks. To prepare it, mix one liter of 40° alcohol with 100 grams of horsetail and let it stand for a month. Then add 8 to 10 drops of lemon juice to be diluted in half a liter of water. With this preparation, you should massage the affected area twice a day, with circular movements.

9. White sugar

You can use it as a scrub for your skin. To do this, mix a tablespoon of white sugar with a little almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Then stir until the mixture can be applied to the stretch marks. Gently rub the mixture into your skin for about 10 minutes every day before showering. Repeat this routine for at least a month, in order to mitigate the imperfections.

10. Flaxseed oil

This is another oil that is considered effective in the fight against stretch marks, due to its content of omega 3 fatty acids, and for its ability to help the skin in the production of collagen. It is necessary to keep this oil in the refrigerator. It can be used as a food supplement or, if you prefer, as a massage oil on critical areas.


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