
How to Get Rid of Acne with Vitamin E oil?

Acne, a skin disease, is formed when skin pores are clogged and is found mostly in adolescence period. Acne means the formation of pimples, scars, blackheads, whiteheads etc. Vitamin E maintains skin health by neutralizing free radicals and by being absorbed into the skin. Thus it fades away scars left by acne. Here in this article, we will discuss how to use vitamin E oil for acne.

What Does Vitamin E oil do for Acne?

The topical application of vitamin E oil helps to remove acne scars. Its benefits are-

It boosts the production of skin proteins like collagen and elastin.

It maintains skin health by neutralizing free radicals

It penetrates deep into the skin and fades away acne scars.

If you want to get the result from vitamin E oil, you have to use it for 3 months because vitamin E repairs skin gradually.

How to use Vitamin E oil for Acne?

Vitamin E oil can be applied directly on acne scars or you can use vitamin e capsules. Pierce capsules with a needle and extract oil from it. First, wash your face and then apply vitamin E oil on your acne scars on face.

1. Tea Tree oil and Vitamin E oil for Acne:

Tea tree oil is a natural remedy for acne. It has anti-bacterial property, which kills bacteria causing acne.


5 drops tea tree oil

5 drops vitamin E oil

Preparation time: 5 minutes.


Mix vitamin E oil with tea tree oil

Soak a cotton ball in the mixture

Wash your face with water

Apply wet cotton on the affected areas

How it works: this mixture acts as a spot treatment for acne scars. It removes your existing acne as well as fades hideous spots.

Repetitions: twice a day.

Best time to apply: before bath, before going to bed.

Tips: Avoid contact with eyes.

2. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for Acne:


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