Health & Fitness

How to Fall Asleep Quickly Even When You’re Not Tired

Ditch the melatonin and pick up a book instead! Yes, you read that right.
Curling up with a good read isn’t just a leisure activity; it’s a surprisingly effective sleep hack. Here’s why:

Reading acts as a gentle mental massage. It calms your racing mind, replacing anxious thoughts with engaging narratives. Think of it as trading your internal monologue for a soothing bedtime story. By focusing on the plot, characters, and descriptions, you naturally disconnect from everyday worries and anxieties, easing your way into relaxation.

Unlike the blue light emitted from screens, reading with physical books promotes sleep-inducing hormones. The soft, warm glow of paper doesn’t disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle like the harsh glare of phones and tablets. Plus, the physical act of turning pages adds a rhythmic element that further lulls you into a peaceful state.

Reading helps you de-stress and unwind and tt transports you to different worlds, offering a mental escape from daily pressures.

So, before reaching for that sleep medication, give reading a try! It’s a natural, affordable, and enjoyable way to drift off to dreamland quicker. Grab your favorite book, dim the lights, and get ready to unlock the power of bedtime stories for adults.

Don’t forget your Swannies to block out the blue light or use a little book light to lessen the harsh light rays.

Need a new book? This is a must-read for shift workers – see it here on amazon

13. Turn Off/Close Your Screen

We’ve established the magic of reading for a restful night, but remember, the bedtime ritual starts much earlier! The culprit we face: the mesmerizing blue light emanating from our beloved devices. This light disrupts our natural sleep-wake cycle, tricking our bodies into thinking it’s still daytime. So, ditch the digital distractions and embrace screen-free serenity:

  1. Set a Sunset for Screens: One hour before hitting the hay, power down your devices. It’s not just about emails and social media; even reading ebooks emits the sleep-sabotaging blue light. Opt for a paper book under a warm lamp instead.
  2. Charge Elsewhere: Resist the urge to keep your phone by your bedside. Charge it in another room and utilize an old-fashioned alarm clock (remember those?). This eliminates the temptation to scroll “just for a bit,” and the charging light won’t disrupt your slumber.
  3. Night Shift and Don’t Disturb: Helpers, Not Enablers: While these features can slightly reduce blue light and silence notifications, they shouldn’t be an excuse to extend screen time. Use them strategically—activate Night Shift after sunset and enable Do Not Disturb to prioritize sleep over late-night notifications.

Remember, the goal is to truly disconnect and unwind. These tips pave the way for a deeper, more restorative sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day (without needing that extra cup of coffee!).

14. Control Your Breathing

Mastering a simple breathing technique can unlock the door to a slumber haven. I know, I used to scoff at it too, but trust me, this isn’t your grandma’s boring deep breaths. This is about unlocking a powerful relaxation tool that helps even when you’re not feeling tired.

Here’s how:

1. Countdown Chill: This method keeps your mind occupied and calms your racing thoughts. Get comfy in bed, close your eyes, and start counting backwards from 100. But here’s the twist: between each number, take two deep, slow breaths in and out. Imagine your worries gently floating away with each exhale. Confession: I rarely make it past 85 before drifting off!

2. Exhale & Count: This technique focuses on slowing your breath and promoting relaxation. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and start counting “one” silently to yourself as you slowly exhale. Repeat with “two” on the next exhale, and so on, reaching “five” at most. Then, start over at “one” with your next exhale. Don’t push yourself beyond five counts; focus on the rhythm and calmness of your breath. (source)

3. “Box breathing”: inhale for four seconds, hold for four, exhale for four, hold for four, and repeat. It’s like counting sheep, but way more zen!

4. 4-7-8 method: Inhale deeply through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then exhale completely through your mouth for eight seconds. Repeat this cycle several times, focusing on the sensation of the breath and letting go of any tension with each exhale. (source)

Remember, consistency is key! Practice these techniques regularly, even when you’re not struggling to sleep. Soon, taking a few calming breaths will become your go-to sleep superpower. Sweet dreams!

[VIDEO] – If guided meditation is totally new to you, this YouTube video is very helpful. Skip to about the 57 seconds mark to begin. Try to relax by concentrating on their voice and your breathing.

15. Wear Socks and/or Gloves
This one is a little controversial and may not work for you but it’s worth noting in case it is.
The theory here is, by heating your cold feet tells the brain that it’s bedtime through improved circulation and warmth. (source) However, in some cases, wearing restrictive clothing to bed can even be detrimental, especially for people with certain health conditions. I know in the past I have worn bed socks by BOODY particularly when it’s cold and it’s really helped me.
How to Fall Asleep Quickly Even When You're Not Tired| The Other Shift | Man is bed with socks on
16. Take Melatonin or Other Sleep Supplements
You can see from this extensive list that medications are NOT the only option to help you fall to sleep quickly even when you’re not tired.
In the small handful of times, we have used Melatonin, we did fall to sleep, but awoke feeling terrible!
If you absolutely need to take Melatonin then go for it, BUT try all these solutions first.
Our tip here is if you still have 4+ hours of sleeping time before you need to get up, but you can’t sleep, then take it. Any less, resist. Otherwise, you’ll wake feeling lethargic and groggy.
Natrol Melatonin works well and is very popular on Amazon if you need to stick a spare bottle in the medicine cabinet.
Just be aware, I personally only need either the 3mg or 5mg, not the 10mg. It’s too much for me.
Bonus: Stick to a Routine
We often bang on about the importance of a sleep routine.
Why? Your body needs to know when it’s time to ‘wind down’ so it can start preparing your body and mind. We are habitual creatures and creating a systematic routine will improve sleep.
For most shift workers, having a sleep routine can be almost impossible, especially those on a rotating roster.
But following the same routine before bed, regardless of the time of day will help. Show some self-love and give your brain the heads up that sleep is coming…
Sleep Routine Tip…
Start to make sure that in the 1-2 hours before bed, most things looks the same. For example, the time you go to bed, having a bath, smelling lavender, listening to sleep music, stretching and/or reading a book.
Struggling to drift off even when you’re not tired? You’re not alone! This article explored a toolkit of powerful strategies to help you achieve restful sleep, even if your mind or body feels energized. From calming bedtime rituals to breathwork and mindful techniques, we’ve unpacked simple, effective methods to soothe your mind and body into slumber.
Did you discover a new “treasure” to add to your sleep routine? Share your experience or ask any lingering questions in the comments below! We’re here to support you on your journey to deeper, more restorative sleep.
P.s if all of that seems too hard and you want to try something a little different, check THIS out. Instant access to the Six Steps to Sleep program which I’m sure will work just as well for you as it did others in the reviews.

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