Health & Fitness

How to Fall Asleep Quickly Even When You’re Not Tired

Grab a pen and paper, and turn those swirling anxieties into tangible tasks. By physically writing down your stressors, you shift them from your restless mind to an external list, freeing yourself from the burden of remembering.

Unlike the blue light of your phone, pen and paper won’t disrupt your sleep hormones. It’s like transferring all those “make tomorrow’s problem” items off your mental to-do list, clearing space for calm and slumber. This simple act can work wonders, especially for those whose professions where you are left overanalyzing your most recent shift.

So, instead of wishing your way to sleep, try writing your way to it! This may sound corny, but sweet dreams may be just a pen stroke away.

People often say, just ‘stop thinking about it’ when giving sleeping advice but that doesn’t work for me. But this does

This basic lined notebook is a great start to get your thoughts on paper. If you’re more of an app person, I like the Resistance Project App and their journal Here is a link to it.

6. Dip Your Face in Freezing Cold Water

This might sound like “woo-woo” territory, but hear me out! This reflex, triggered by plunging your face in cold water for 30 seconds, has real science backing it. Here’s the magic:

  • Heart Rate Slowdown: Cold water triggers a decrease in heart rate, promoting a calming effect.
  • Blood Flow Shift: Circulation redirects towards your core, mimicking the “hibernation mode” of diving mammals, leaving your limbs cool and relaxed.
  • Natural Tranquilizer: This shift activates your parasympathetic nervous system, the “rest and digest” part, promoting a sense of peace.

Crazy, right? But don’t underestimate the power of a simple splash! By tricking your body into mimicking a calming response, you can silence the mental chatter and drift off to dreamland. It’s a quick, non-invasive, and (dare I say?) refreshing way to quiet your inner chatterbox and unlock the door to deep sleep.

Remember: Even with a busy mind, this technique can be a powerful tool. Give it a try, and sweet dreams await!

7. Get the Temperature Right

Aim for a bedroom oasis between 60-75°F (15-23°C). Why? As you drift off, your body naturally cools down, reaching its peak dip around 4am. Mimicking this natural rhythm by adjusting your thermostat helps you settle in and stay asleep. (source)

Sure, it might feel a tad chilly initially, but trust me, waking up refreshed beats tossing and turning in a sauna any day. To reach this sleep-friendly temperature, unleash your cooling arsenal: open a window, crank up the fan, or even blast the AC (if you’re lucky enough to have one).

Speaking of heat-induced havoc, I’m not alone in experiencing wild, wake-me-up dreams on sweltering nights, right? If you’re nodding your head (and battling nighttime sweats), head over to our picks for affordable sleep aids that can make a huge difference in your slumber quality. Sweet dreams (and cooler temperatures) await!

8. Take a Warm Bath or Shower

My hands and entire body get exposed to some pretty gross stuff on an average shift at the hospital. I’ll spare you the details by simply saying, having a warm bath/shower is exactly what I need as soon as I walk in the door.

But having a warm shower/bath is actually much more than just personal hygiene.

Body temperature plays an important part in regulating your circadian rhythm (body clock), which tells the body when to feel sleepy or alert. Did you know your body is naturally cooler while you sleep? Night shift chills are REAL after all!

Having a warm shower or bath will momentarily spike your body temperature. However, once you turn off the tap and dry yourself you will naturally cool, preparing your body for sleep.

If you like an excessively hot shower, you may need up to 90 minutes to cool down to the ideal sleep temperature.

Why not try showering in the dark or with a candle after your next shift? Even Richard Branson uses baths to help him relax and get some sleep even when he’s not tired!

9. Listen to an Adult Story Podcast

For weary minds struggling to find slumber, adult story podcasts might be an unexpected ally. While the calming power of bedtime stories isn’t exclusive to children, research suggests specific elements in these podcasts effectively promote sleep. They help by:

  • Distraction: Captivating stories divert attention from worries, reducing pre-sleep anxiety. Relaxation: Soothing narration and gentle pacing activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting calmness. (source)
  • Familiarity: Classic tales or familiar genres evoke comfort and nostalgia, easing the transition to sleep.
  • Rhythmic speech: Slow, measured speaking patterns trigger relaxation and sleepiness.
  • Calming sounds: Binaural beats or nature sounds incorporated in some podcasts can further enhance sleep quality. (source)

It’s important to note that individual preferences vary. While some find podcasts helpful, others might be stimulated by the narrative, hindering sleep. Experimenting with different podcasts and finding what works best for you is key.

A few friends of my have found that the app Calm is an absolute winner.

10. Drink Human Tonik During the Day

Though this tip won’t help you if you’re reading this in the middle of the night, can I suggest you start this tomorrow? Drink Human Tonik. They offer a range of superfood and adaptogen powder supplements designed to support complete body and brain health. They emphasize transparency with full ingredient dosages and 3rd party testing, claiming their products are made with natural, whole-food ingredients and free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners.

Their website, which is run but our good friend Adam, offers information about each product, its benefits, and the science behind the ingredients. They target customers who value evidence-based products and prioritize natural solutions for health and well-being.

We have been drinking these for years and notice a considerable difference when we stop – such as if we run out before we order more. How will this help you in the sleeping department? You won’t have to battle cold, headaches and anything niggly that is keeping you awake such as a runny nose!

They have four impressive products to choose from. Here are links to them if you’re keen to explore.

11. Be Aware of When You Enjoy Caffeine

We shift workers know the allure of caffeine like nobody’s business. From sugary sodas and chocolate bars to creamy lattes and energy drinks, it’s our constant companion, the fuel that keeps us going when the world sleeps. But here’s the harsh reality: that afternoon pick-me-up can turn into a sleep-stealing monster, leaving you tossing and turning at 3 am, desperately counting sheep (or maybe coffee beans).

It’s time to break free from the caffeine rollercoaster and embrace the world of sleep-friendly beverages! Trust me, your taste buds will adjust, and you’ll find yourself craving the calming warmth and natural goodness of herbal teas and other caffeine-free options.

Remember, caffeine doesn’t just lurk in your morning coffee. It hides in unexpected places, sabotaging your sleep hours later. So, let’s expand our caffeine awareness beyond the latte:

Say goodbye to the following 6 hours before you intend to go to sleep (if sleep is an issue for you).

  • Sugary sodas: Replace that cola craving with sparkling water infused with fruit slices or herbs.
  • Chocolate bars: Opt for naturally caffeine-free treats like dates, nuts, or fruit leather.
  • Energy drinks: These are caffeine bombs! Switch to sparkling water with a squeeze of citrus for a refreshing boost.
  • Black and green teas: While offering some health benefits, they contain caffeine. Explore herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, or lavender for relaxation.
  • Decaf coffee and tea: Even decaf has trace amounts of caffeine, enough to disrupt sleep for some.

Embrace the calming alternatives:

  • Herbal teas: As mentioned before, they offer a variety of flavors and benefits, promoting relaxation and digestion. Peppermint tea in particular aids in post-meal digestion.
  • Warm water with lemon: This simple drink aids digestion and provides electrolytes.
  • Fruit-infused water: Add slices of cucumber, orange, or berries for a refreshing and flavorful hydration boost.
  • Golden milk: This turmeric-infused drink has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes sleep.

By ditching the pre-sleep caffeine and embracing these healthier alternatives, you’ll be saying goodbye to restless nights and hello to a well-rested you, even on the most demanding shifts. So, ditch the jitters, brew your calming beverage, and join me on this sleep-friendly journey towards a happier, healthier shift worker life!

Here are my few favorite teas on Amazon;

12. Read a Book


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