Health & Fitness

How to Do 3 — Day Complete Body Sugar Detox, Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

This article gives you a 3 day diet plan that does miracles:

1st day:

Breakfast: 1 cup of oats with berries and almonds/seeds/or 3 eggs (scrambled or boiled).

Morning snack: 1 bowl of nuts.

Lunch: Chicken breast with cooked butternut squash, carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, beans and almonds.

Dinner: Broiled fish with a bowl of green beans or salmon with fried broccoli and mushrooms.

2nd day

Breakfast: A cup of steel cut oats with berries and seeds or almonds/3 scrambled eggs with spinach.

Mid-morning snack: a small bowl of nuts.

Lunch: Grilled zucchini with red and yellow peppers and a lemon, vinegar and thyme dressing/a shredded green and red cabbage salad tossed with shredded carrots with olive oil, lemon, salt dressing, garnished with chopped parsley.

Dinner: steamed green vegetables with a vegetable casserole and bean soup/baked cod with stir-fried bok choy and roasted Brussels sprouts and turnips.

3rd day

Breakfast: A cup of steel cut oats with berries and seeds or almonds/a 3 egg omelette with shrimp and a sautéed kale, radish and walnut salad.

Mid-morning snack: 1 small bowl of nuts.

Lunch: Roasted chicken thighs with rosemary, sage and lemon/oven roasted chicken with onion, black olives, and thyme.

Dinner: mushrooms with garlic broth, onion, carrots, celery, thyme and bay leaves/penne pasta (with brown rice) with a mushroom, basil, and tomato meat sauce.

Sugar Detox Drinks

You should replace the sugary drinks with detox waters and hot drink alternatives. They are great because will help you to boost your metabolism.

Detox water: chop one of these: grapefruits, blueberries, strawberries, or oranges, including some fresh rosemary or mint and add them to a jar with water. Store and drink this water every day.

Coffee: remember that you should not consume more than 1 cup of unsweetened black coffee daily.

Tea: consume unsweetened herbal or green tea 3 times every day.

Note: This diet plan is proved to calm sugar cravings, so don’t hesitate to try it.

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