
How To Clear Your Money Blocks Fast

Are your money blocks holding you back from achieving your dreams?

If you don’t have the money you desire, then there’s a very good chance that they are!

Money is a necessity for modern life. It determines much of our life and even our self-worth. And sometimes that can make us feel pretty out of control.

Of course, no one wants to have money blocks. We would all love to be fully evolved people with constantly positive thoughts about everything.

But humans just don’t work like that. Without doing some inner programming and healing, our old programming will always get in the way.

However, many times, we don’t even realize what’s actually happening. After all your money blocks don’t exatly send you a memo to tell you that they exist.

Why am I blocking money?

It’s very frustrating to realize that you might be subconsciously blocking the very thing you want to manifest so badly.However, we block money when we hold toxic money beliefs or feelings of low self-worth around money.

Money is a very emotional issue after all! Most of us have a complicated relationship with money.

So please come to the healing process with curiosity and compassion.

The more you can learn about your money blocks, the easier it will be to clear them.

What Is A Money Block?

A money block is a subconscious block you have around money. That could be a programmed limiting belief (like “Money is hard to make”) or self-worth belief (“I’ll never be rich.”)

As long as you keep those beliefs you’ll have problems manifesting cold hard cash.

Anything that tells you you’re not worthy of money or that making money isn’t possible for you is a money block that you need to work on.

Unless you’re stinking rich already, you probably need to heal a few money blocks. Most of us have toxic beliefs and self-worth issues to heal from.

Because if you felt worthy of money, you’d already have more of it! So if you’re not where you want to be with money, then you have some work to do on your money blocks.

Where Do Money Blocks Come From?

There are two major ways we get blocked from attracting money.

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