Health & Fitness

How Light Workout and Colorful Diet Plan Can Help with Bloating – Beauty Bites

If you’ve only been using cucumbers to reduce the puffiness under your eyes, it is time to slice them up and eat them. The same thing they do to the bags under your eyes they will do to your belly.

Cucumbers contain quercetin which is a flavonoid antioxidant that can help reduce swelling. They inhibit the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes and they do wonders to our bodies. So, slice them up as a salad and swap fizzy drinks with a glass of cucumber water – your stomach will be happy.


Bananas are rich in potassium which prevents water retention and it regulates sodium levels in your body. This will significantly reduce your salt-induced bloating. Plus, there is plenty of fibre which can prevent or relieve constipation.

Other potassium-rich foods are avocadoskiwispistachios and oranges, which will do the same thing as bananas and help you with your discomfort.


This veggie is an anti-bloating superfood. Yes, it does smell a little, but it makes you pee which is a great flush of the excess water, which further relieves any bloating and discomfort. Also, it contains prebiotics, which help your body grow “good” bacteria that maintain a healthy digestive system. What is more, it contains soluble and insoluble fibres which promote digestive health in general.


Another food that will support good bacteria in your gut is yogurt with probiotics. We need probiotics to regulate our digestion, but instead of going for supplements straight away, consider the yogurt first. Plus, you can mix it up with some granola and fruits and have a banging breakfast.



Besides a balanced diet filled with nutrient-rich foods, you need to add some physical activity into the mix to reduce bloating and have that flat stomach. Physical activity is what our bodies need on a regular basis. It can benefit you in many different ways, but most importantly it will reduce and relieve the bloating. So, get your gear and try some of the following.

Physical activity will get your bowels moving more regularly, and this certainly helps with preventing constipation and excess gases. So, if you’re not much of a gym person, a short walk every day will help you a bunch. You can take a walk in the park, around the block or even go for a hike and you will instantly feel much less discomfort and bloating coming from your abdomen.

Yoga does wonders to our bodies on many different levels, but there are some poses that can help you with this particular issue.

Poses such as Child’s Pose, Happy Baby Pose and squats will encourage your body to release that excess gas and get your bowels moving.

Basically, whichever type of physical activity you choose, your bowels are bound to get moving and help you regulate digestion and release of gases. It might sound foolish or embarrassing, but your intestines and stomach need physical activity in order to strike a healthy balance and make digestion easier. So, don’t be lazy and sign up for some classes and your body will be thankful to you.


Besides regulating your diet and exercising regularly, there are some other ways that can help reduce bloating. These include gas relief capsules, essential oils (peppermint is the best), taking a long warm bath to relax your body and abdomen massages to get your bowels moving. Whichever you choose, make sure you’re doing it moderately and to consult with your doctor if there’s a need for medication.

Nobody likes to feel bloated. Not only does it make our bellies look bigger, but it can cause some serious discomfort and even pain. Luckily, there is no need to despair or panic because there are many different natural ways to regulate your bowels and digestions and prevent bloating. The best way is to regulate your diet and fill it with fibre and nutrients and, of course, to start exercising. However, if those don’t help, make sure to visit your doctor and see what exactly is causing your issue.

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