
How Bad And Dangerous Is It To Fall Asleep With Wet Hair

  • It is possible to appear dandruff.
  • There is a risk of hair loss and fall.
  • Due to the increased number of bacteria on the pillow, there is a greater risk of acne on the skin.
  • More frequent headaches.
  • You will lose more time in arranging your hair the next morning.

Of course, it should be noted that there is a difference between going to bed completely wet hair and wet hair.

Do not ever go to bed with completely wet hair because it can not dry itself alone during the night. It will remain wet even in the morning, and you can still get cold with it. When drying the hair, make sure that you do not wring it too much in the towel so that it will not be tightened, as it will only be sharper. Instead drain excess water hands, and then gently curl your hair in a towel.

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