
Home remedies to end finger and toenail fungus

3 tablespoons coconut oil
3 tablespoons turmeric powder


Mix the coconut oil with the turmeric and store the cream in a container with a lid. To use it, you simply have to apply this cream on the nails with fungus and let it act on them for 30 to 40 minutes. Use this cream every day until the fungus is eliminated.

4. Tea tree oil

Apply a drop of tea tree oil to fungal nails at least twice a day. Do not remove it, simply let it act on the nails and apply the treatment every day until the fungus is completely eliminated. Remember that to prevent fungi from appearing again, we must take great care of hygiene and completely dry our feet and hands.

5. Aspirin to eliminate nail fungus


5 aspirin
One lemon’s juice


Put the aspirins in a container with the lemon juice and let them melt completely, until they form a not so thick cream. Wash your feet very well and apply this treatment to fungal nails, let it act for 30 minutes and remove with warm water. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week for good results.

6. Vicks VapoRub to remove nail fungus

Wash the nails where you have the fungus very well and dry very well. Apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub to your nails and let it work all day. Apply twice a day in the morning and at night before going to sleep, until the fungus disappears.

7. Baking soda and lemon

Make a paste of baking soda and lemon juice, and apply it directly to the affected areas. You can also sprinkle it inside your shoes to combat the microorganisms that are harbored there.

8. Hydrogen peroxide to kill nail fungus

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water in a container where you can put your feet or hands. Dip your feet in this water and leave them there for at least 20 minutes. Wash your feet and dry them very well. Repeat this procedure two or three times a week until the fungus is eliminated.

9. Homemade mix breaks mushrooms


5 tablespoons of 90% ethyl alcohol
5 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide
2 tablespoons white vinegar


Mix all the ingredients in a glass container with a lid and store it in a cool, dry place to keep it in good condition. Apply this mixture with a cotton ball on the nails with fungus and let it act on them all day. This treatment can be used in the morning and at night every day.

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