
Glycerin for Lips – Benefits and DIY Recipes

Removes dead cells and keep your lips healthy:

Glycerin for lips doesn’t only improve your lips’ overall look, but it makes them healthy by stimulating new growth cells. It means glycerin is a long-term solution to all your problems related to lips!

Glycerin delays the signs of aging:

Premature aging affects your lips, just like your facial skin. Blemishes and fine lines start affecting your lips too! And glycerin delays these signs by making your lips soft and supple.

It can be effective against mouth sores and ulcers too

Medicated ointments are usually preferred for treating mouth ulcers and sores. But if you want a natural and much safer alternative, glycerin can be one for you. It can heal mouth sores and ulcers if used topically.

It Improves blemishes

Pigmented lips are pretty common, especially for pregnant women. Some other causative factors are prolonged exposure to the sun, excessive usage of makeup and carelessness, etc. But don’t worry, you can get rid of blemishes by using glycerin for lips.

Prevents Bleeding and Flaking

Excessive dryness of skin brings flaking and bleeding more often than not. At times, you even start feeling embarrassed. And glycerin can help you to avoid both flaking and bleeding by keeping your lips moisturized.

Glycerin helps to get rid of dark lips

When you don’t give enough attention to your lips, various factors like impurities, dead cells, and the draught of air make your lips darker than your natural skin color. You may notice this problem quite frequently in winter. And you can remove the abnormal darkness by applying glycerin every night before going to bed.

Fades dark spots

Having dark lips and dark spots on your lips are two different problems. Factors like allergies, smoking, and long sunlight exposure, high caffeine intake, and vitamin B deficiency, etc. are associated with dark spots on lips. Regular administration of glycerin can help you to remove these dark spots and blemishes as well.

Different effective ways of using glycerin for lips

As we have stated earlier, simply applying glycerin to your lips is enough to keep them soft, hydrated, and healthy. However, if you follow these easy DIY recipes, you may get even better results

Glycerin and Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a very powerful antioxidant and is a great source of vitamin C. It is slightly acidic and can be very effective, especially against dark lips. Thanks to its astringent properties, lemon can heal the damage to external factors and even halt premature aging. Let’s know how you can use glycerin and lemon juice to quickly improve your lips’ health.

  • Add one tbsp lemon juice to one tbsp glycerin, and apply on your lips to have soft, supple, pink, and hydrated lips all day long.

Glycerin and castor oil

Castor oil contains antioxidants and can fight free radicals responsible for a lot of skin problems. It can be very effective, especially if your lips are dark due to an allergic reaction. Moisturizing properties, reducing puffiness, promoting your lips’ overall health, and delaying premature aging are some of the unique benefits of using castor oil with glycerin.

  • There is not much fuss. Add an equal quantity of castor oil to glycerin, apply on your lips, and leave overnight. You will wake up with healthy, smooth, and rejuvenated lips the next morning.

Glycerin and Honey

Thanks to its proven therapeutic value, honey is used to manage various skin problems for ages. Wound healing is one of the widely recognized honey qualities and can help you overcome chapped lips only within a few days. And the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of honey can be proved handy against numerous lips problems like dryness, flakiness, bleeding, etc.

  • Add one tbsp honey and one tbsp lemon juice to an equal amount of glycerin and wear on your lips to make your lips look healthy and rejuvenated.

Glycerin and Strawberry

Strawberries are probably the most underrated fruits when it comes to treating skin problems. You will be surprised to know that strawberries can help you immensely in your quest to get soft, attractive, and healthy-looking lips.

They have great anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and astringent properties and can be specifically effective against dark spots due to sunburn, smoking, or aging. Thanks to the alpha-hydroxylic acid content, strawberries can also get rid of dead skin cells from your lips and give you pinkish, soft, mushy, and pliable lips. Here is how you can use glycerin with strawberries.

  • Mash one strawberry fruit to get a thick consistent paste.
  • Add one tbsp glycerin and mix for a couple of minutes.
  • Wear this paste on your lips and leave for five to ten minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.

Glycerin with Olive Oil

Olive oil is nothing less than a blessing from nature. It can singlehandedly tackle many health and skin-related problems and can be extremely beneficial for your lips. When you use olive oil for your lips, you will get soft, hydrated, and squishy lips. Also, olive oil can give you instant relief from chapped and cracked lips. And guess what, it is one of the most effective protectors against SPF! You can use olive oil in a lot of different ways for your lips.

  • Add a few drops of virgin olive oil to half tbsp glycerin and apply swiftly on your lips to enjoy beautiful, healthy, and personality-defining lips.

DIY glycerin lip balm

Why would you purchase lip balms made with harmful chemicals if you can make DIY glycerin lip balm at home? Here’s how

Ingredients you need

  • One tbsp glycerin
  • Two drops of essential oil of your choice
  • Two tbsp coconut carrier oil
  • Two tbsp beeswax pastilles

Here is how to make glycerin lip balm:

  • Add coconut carrier oil to beeswax pastilles and blend for a few minutes.
  • Next, microwave the mixture for about 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, mix essential oil and glycerin in a small bowl.
  • Add the glycerin solution to beeswax mixture once it is melted, and mix thoroughly.
  • Your all-natural, homemade lip balm is ready.
  • Transfer in a lip balm pot and start using once it reaches room temperature.

Some important tips

  • Start using glycerin on your lips without mixing any other ingredient.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
  • Avoid licking or peeling dry lips.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, and excessive caffeine to keep your lips healthy.
  • You can apply a thin coat of glycerin before using any makeup product to protect your lips from chemicals.

Glycerin is a very simple, easily available, and affordable product. You can take care of your lips by the regular usage of glycerin. Hopefully, you are now very well informed about the benefits of glycerin for lips and how to use it effectively. Taking care of your lips is not a big deal. All you need to do is to follow some very simple and practical rules. Hit the comment section if you have any suggestions, recipes, or questions related to lip problems and glycerin. We will be more than happy to answer.


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