
Eat 2 Black-Spotted Bananas A Day For A Month And This Will Happen To Your Body!

You remember in cartoons how on the teacher’s desk there’s always an apple? Well, having a banana would be better, because they’re the best brain food, besides nuts. They supply the body with nutrients that are essential for a proper neurological function of the brain and our body. They help the nervous system and our brain to regular the mood swings, the appetite as well as the cognitive functions, such as the memory and focus.

4. Stabilizes diabetes

It is scientifically proven that a good and balanced diet improves the insulin levels, which are high in people who have diabetes. Because bananas are rich in potassium, fiber and Vitamin C, as well as healthy sugars (that still need to be recorded), they are a great food choice for diabetics.

5. Bananas protect the heart

Potassium consumption of approximately  4,069 mg per day has been scientifically proven to lower the risk at almost 50% of getting ischemic heart disease.

Instead of a conclusion, I will offer you this citate.

“Japanese researchers have proven that ripe bananas [help] fight cancer. As your banana ripens, its antioxidant levels rise, strengthening your immune system and increasing your white blood cells! In fact, ripe bananas are eight times as effective as their younger green siblings when it comes to elevating the cancer-fighting potential of white blood cells.”

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