
Dye Your Hair Naturally: These Recipes Will Make Your Hair Perfect

According to studies, about 65% of women dye their hair, so you are probably one of those who regularly use over-the-counter hair dyes well.

However, these hair dyes are abundant in chemicals, and as reported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), more than 5,000 different chemicals are added to them.

Therefore, the common contact with these chemicals leads to various adverse effects on health. On the other hand, there are perfectly effective natural alternatives that can help you dye your hair in a safe way:

Walnut Shells
Walnut shells are amazing in the case of dark brown color. You should crush the shells, boil them for half an hour, and leave them to cool. You can also use walnut powder instead.
Then, strain the mixture and apply it to the hair. It should remain to act for an hour, and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

If you like to have a more intense color, you can re- heat the strained juice until it boils, and it’s simmered down to ¼ of the original volume. Then, cool it in the fridge, strain, and pour it over the hair.

Lemon Juice
The lemon juice is great for highlighting. Just pray it on the hair, and comb it. Leave it to act for a few hours. For lighter nuances, dry it in the sun, or mix it with chamomile. You should repeat the procedure several times for the wanted effects.


Various herbs can help you get various different hair colors, as follows:


You can use calendula, marigold, rosehips and hibiscus, and the more you use them the deeper color you get. You should add the herbs in water and leave them to simmer for half an hour. Then, cool, strain, and pour it over the skin/If possible, dry the hair under the sun.



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