
DIY Natural Sinus Relief Body Balm

Eucalyptus essential oil is one you will hear in relation to anything that has to do with your breathing since it works so well for clearing your respiratory system. Just inhaling the scent right out of the bottle will give you instant relief if you are stuffy!

Lastly, the lavender essential oil is added to help calm the body and mind. It’s also soothing to the skin and it does help relieve the symptoms that go with respiratory issues as well. You can never go wrong using lavender!

This natural sinus relief body balm recipe makes about 3 to 6 containers, but of course it depends totally on the size you’re using. I used some upcycled balm containers I had saved from a lip balm I use, because they are nice tin, and easy to open and close.

You can find smaller containers online in glass or plastic as well, but plastic is not recommended with the use of citrus essential oils as it can literally break those toxins down and then they will be in the balm itself. Yuck!

Some people still choose to go with plastic though. If you do, make sure you use it quickly and keep it out of the sunlight.

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