
DIY Anti-Aging Face Cream

Avocado oil is a known superfood in the health food world, but have you ever thought of slathering it on your skin? This healthy oil is loaded with antioxidants, beta carotene, vitamin E and has anti-inflammatory properties.

When used on the skin, it will provide hydration, reduce itchiness, help promote elasticity, heal dry, chapped skin, and remove dead skin.

Research shows that avocado oil is a safe oil to use on the face. It is always important to do a small test patch before using anything new on your skin. I suggest doing this on the foot or hand.


Similar to avocado oil, coconut oil is a well-known oil used in the kitchen. Coconut oil has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antimicrobial properties, making it great for cleansing the skin.

When coconut oil is absorbed into your skin, it helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by helping to keep your connective tissues strong and flexible.


The beeswax in the recipe will give the face cream the perfect texture and it has many benefits for aging skin. If you want to make this recipe vegan, you can use soy wax instead or omit it entirely. Taking the beeswax out will change the texture of the face cream.

Beeswax has anti-inflammatory properties, is high in vitamin A, and can work as a natural exfoliator. Using beeswax on the face will provide hydration, reduce signs of aging, and help clear skin blemishes.


Shea butter is one of my favorite ingredients to use on my skin. It provides hydration; repairs damaged skin, can improve skin tone, and reduce wrinkles.

Shea butter is a very gentle ingredient and can be used on sensitive skin. You can replace the shea butter in this recipe with mango butter or cocoa butter.


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