
Daily Skin Care Routine – 5 Simple Steps For Every Skin Type

ake your skin health up a notch with the right routine suitable for your skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a toner necessary?

No toners are not necessary. However, toners may offer multiple benefits to help you address specific skin care issues.

How can I make my face glow naturally?

Apart from following a good skin care routine, consume healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and follow an active lifestyle to make your skin glow naturally.

Is aloe vera gel a toner?

Yes, aloe vera gel can be used as a great natural toner!

Are serums necessary?

Yes, face serums contain active ingredients that may help address specific skin issues like acne, hyperpigmentation, and dryness.

Can I skip toner and use moisturizer?

It depends. Usually, it is best to follow the Cleanse-Tone-Moisturize routine. Toners nowadays serve multiple purposes and have specific skin benefits including sebum control, hydration, and exfoliation. You may use or skip toners depending on your skin needs.

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