
Daily Skin Care Routine – 5 Simple Steps For Every Skin Type

ake your skin health up a notch with the right routine suitable for your skin.

Healthy and glowing skin is not all about having great genes. Your lifestyle habits and daily skin care routine have a crucial impact on your skin health and appearance. And building a great skin care routine does not start from getting the best products out there. It starts from understanding your skin, learning how to care for and protect it, and meeting its requirements.

Reading all the opinions, going through product reviews, and watching videos to set up a basic routine may feel confusing. However, skin care is all about self-care and your personal choices. Scroll through this article to understand what you need to do to set up a basic daily skin care routine as per your skin type.

How To Determine Your Skin Type

Woman looking at mirror trying to determine her skin type

Before you start following a skincare routine, it is critical to determine your skin type. If you are confused about your skin type, here is a simple way to determine it:

  • Normal Skin: This skin type feels balanced. It is neither too oily nor too dry. Also, it is not excessively sensitive and does not react to anything applied to it.
  • Oily Skin: If your T-zone is shiny and greasy, you may have oily skin. Oily skin tends to have larger sebaceous glands that produce excess oil. It is also acne-prone.
  • Dry Skin: If your skin feels tight and itchy, especially after washing, you have dry skin. This type of skin feels patchy and itchy. It is also prone to premature aging.
  • Combination Skin: If your T-zone is oily and the cheeks and rest of the face are dry, you have combination skin.
  • Sensitive Skin: If your skin reacts to any product and gets irritated easily (especially after sun exposure), you have sensitive skin.

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