Health & Fitness

Clean The Ovary Cysts With The Best Recipes, Ovary Cyst Cause Bloating, Lower Abdominal Pain, Or Lower Back Pain!

Castor oil pack is an old treatment for cysts. This oil has the ability to eliminate the excess toxins from your body. Moreover, it can stimulate the lymphatic system and dissolve the cysts.

You should fold a flannel cloth to make it 2-3 layers thick. The cloth needs to be big enough so you will be able to cover your entire abdomen. Put some castor oil on the cloth, fold the cloth in half then unfold it. Lay down with another towel under you and place the flannel cloth on your abdomen. Cover the castor oil cloth with plastic foil then with a towel. Place a bottle with hot water over the towel and cover yourself in a warm blanket. You should repeat this procedure 3 times a week, for 3 months.

In order to remove the excess oil from the skin, you should wash that area with a solution of 3 tablespoons baking soda and 4 cups water.

Note: You shouldn’t use castor oil packs during m*nstr*ations. Also, if you are trying to conceive, you are not supposed to use this remedy after 0vulation.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is an extremely effective remedy for reducing the pains and discomfort. It has a sedative effect which will help you to relax. Moreover, this amazing tea will stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, thus regulating the irregular periods. Mix 2 teaspoon of dried chamomile in a cup of hot water. Cover and steep for 5 minutes. Strain, and add 1 teaspoon of honey. You should drink 3 cups of this tea on a daily basis.

Epsom bath

Epsom bath can reduce pains and other symptoms related to ovarian cysts. Epsom salt is high in magnesium sulfate which can act as muscle relaxant, thus relieving the pain. You should add 1 cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub filled with warm water. Add 10 drops of essential oil (jasmine, rose, or lavender.) Stir for a few minutes in order to dissolve the salt. Soak the lower part of your body for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure every day.


This vegetable contains betacyanin which can improve the function of your liver to clear toxins out of the system. Moreover, beetroot is alkaline, meaning that it will balance the acidity in your body. You should mix ½ cup of fresh beet extract juice with 1 tablespoon of aloe gel and 1 tablespoon of black molasses. Drink this remedy every day, before your breakfast.


Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium and is recommended by many health experts. It can shrink and dissolve the cysts caused by potassium deficiency. Add 1 tablespoon of ACV in a glass of warm water. Mix in 1 tablespoon of black molasses. Drink 2 glasses of this solution on a daily basis until the cysts disappear completely. This remedy can also help you with bloating, cramps, and excessive menstrual bleeding.

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