Health & Fitness


Grab a mixture of onion juice, salt, and water, and apply it near your eye before going to sleep. Take care not to rub it too close to your eyes. In the morning, rinse it properly. You could also introduce a little bit of onion juice to your water and drink it.

Banana Peels

Probably the simplest of them all, take some banana peels and tape it to your spots overnight. The next morning, take it off and rinse the spot well. You should do it every night for best results.


For this, all you need is a glass of water and some coriander leaves to soak them for 15 minutes. Then, drink it. But, don’t drink it at one go. Space it over the day and drink it at regular intervals.

Orange Juice

Orange Juice is very useful if you want to reduce the quantity of LDL cholesterol in your body. So, drink it regularly, and as often as you can. Subsequently, those spots will vanish.


Probably the tastiest in the list, you should try eating almonds as often as possible, for tree nuts reduce cholesterol. On a side note, you could also add almonds to your milk and either drink it or apply it to the spots. And then watch as your skin gets unblemished again.

You should also take good care of your everyday diet; eat a lot of fibers and exercise regularly to keep your cholesterol levels under control.

See, you don’t have to really go around dealing with knives and other stuff. Or the panic of an OT.


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