Health & Fitness

Are You Scrapping? It Burns To You? It Hurts? Alert! You Maybe You Have A New Disease In Your Intimate Area Without Knowing It!

S…exually Transmitted Infections (STIs or STDs) can be produced by about 30 types of bacteria, viruses and known parasites, which are spread through the practice of s….exual relations between people.

STDs. do not respect s….exual orientation, age or socioeconomic status; we are all susceptible to contracting them, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English).

Although. we all know the main STDs that exist and we know how to protect ourselves, an international group of researchers has discovered in Japan a new strain of these diseases.


The intimate female area is extremely delicate. It requires very special care, it is also necessary to maintain impeccable hygiene. More and more women are suffering from discomfort in this area of ​​the body, because they do not know what attention they should have with their vaginal area.

The most common condition is an inflammation of the tissue of the cervix. This produces discomfort such as itching, swelling, burning during urination, pain during s….ex, gray or yellow vaginal discharge, and abnormal bleeding after intimate relationships, especially when menopause has been established.

This inflammation is known as,cervicitis. It can be caused by s…exually transmitted diseases, by Trichomonas vaginalis parasite or by latex allergy, by some device inserted in the pelvic area. This can affect women throughout their lives and, although it is not deadly, it causes great discomfort.


Among the main causes of this disease are the following:


In some cases, the use of condoms.

History of s…exually transmitted infections.

S….exual acts of risk to the vagina.

S….ex at an early age

Be with couples who have had a s…exually transmitted infection such as: gonorrhea, human papilloma virus (HPV), trichomoniasis.


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