Health & Fitness

Apply Onions on Your Neck Before Going to Bed and See What Happens

Onion has so many health benefits. It can help you clean your skin; it kills bacteria and germs and it can do wonders for your blood. Dr. Igor Knjazkin from St. Petersburg, Russia claims that onions can also help you treat thyroid gland disorder.

Dr. Igor recommends cutting one red onion in half and then massage the thyroid gland area with the two onion halves by using light, circular motions. Once you massage the area, go to bed without washing it off. The onion juice will naturally improve the function of your thyroid gland.

Other Benefits of Onions:

  • It purifies the blood.
  • It can help you kill bacteria, germs and pathogens.
  • It cleans the air.

Onions can do wonders for your health, it can be cure for various diseases. Onion contains quercetin, a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant and anti-cholesterol properties. It has also antibiotic properties that can help eliminate accumulated toxins in your body. If you’re willing to try onions as a folk remedy, then choose organic and locally grown and always use it in raw form.

Onions Can Help You Fight Colds

Onions are really effective against colds. Drink a cup of onion tea or eat a whole onion after the first symptom of a cold. Raw onions can help you clean your sinuses and onion tea can help you soothe your sore throat.

Onions Can Help You Against High Fever


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