

If you’re in your forties, you likely consider yourself somewhat of a workaholic. Whether you have kids or work a demanding job, the stress of your forties can have very damaging effects on your long-term health.

Clary sage oil boosts confidence and mental fortitude while reducing fear and anxiety. It is also known to have euphoric properties. A 2010 study on rats revealed that clary sage oil could be used as a therapeutic agent for depression.

TIP: When using clary sage oil in aromatherapy, mix 6 drops with 2 drops of frankincense or orange oils, and add to a diffuser or oil burner.

5 Improves Skin
Linalyl acetate is an important compound in clary sage. It is a natural phytochemical found in spice plants and flowers that reduces skin inflammation, rashes, and regulates oil production, preventing dry skin and acne. Using clary sage as a skin moisturizer can reduce the signs of aging by keeping the skin firm, hydrated and clear.

TIP: Blend clary sage oil with coconut or jojoba oil (1:1 ratio) and apply the mixture directly to face or body

6 Aids Digestion & Cholesterol Levels
Clary sage increases bile and gastric juice secretion, which speed up the metabolism. It can also relieve indigestion, bloating, cramps and abdominal discomfort for those with delicate digestive systems.

Clary sage allows vitamins and minerals to be absorbed more easily, regulate bowel movements, treats ulcers, and can eliminate constipation.

As an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, clary sage oil is cardioprotective and lowers cholesterol naturally. High cholesterol can reduce the flow of blood to vital organs and muscle tissue, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

TIP: massage your abdomen with clary sage and coconut oil, or use a hot compress with 5 drops of clary sage oil soaked into it

7 Improves Circulation
Clary sage opens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure by relaxing the brain and arteries, and boosts metabolism by transporting more oxygen to muscles and vital organs.

TIP: To create your own clary sage mist, add 6 drops of clary sage to 12 drops of mandarin, 6 drops of rose geranium, and 3 drops of cinnamon. Add to a spray bottle, filling the rest with water, and spray over body and face when needed.

8 Aids sleep
As a natural sedative, clary sage promotes deeper and easier sleep, improving the overall quality of life. As mentioned, the hormone balancing properties in clary sage will reduce stress, making it a natural and effective cure for insomnia.

TIP: To make a clary sage balm, in a double boiler, add 10 drops of clary sage oil to 10 drops of lavender oil, with ½ cup of coconut oil, ½ cups of olive oil and ¼ cup of beeswax. Stir well for about 10 minutes, then add them to containers and allow them to cool. Apply to affected areas topically when needed.

Conclusion & Precautions
Clary sage has been used for thousands of years for its many benefits to women. If you are over the age of forty and are beginning to see the signs of menopause, use clary sage oil for a natural, healthy treatment of common menopausal systems.

However, it is important to take into account some of the side effects clary sage oil may have, especially if pregnant. During the first trimester of pregnancy, sage oil could actually affect the abdomen, causing uterine contractions. It is also advised to avoid using clary sage oil before or after alcohol consumption as it may lead to troubled sleep and nightmares.

Chloral hydrate and hexobarbitone have been said to interact with clary sage oil; they cause sleepiness and drowsiness, and clary sage seems to increase the effects of these medications.

Always consult a doctor before using new forms of medicine, even if it is a natural substance like sage oil as different reactions occur in different people.


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