Health & Fitness

According To A Recent Study, Your Drunk Self May Actually Be The Real You

Drunk people behave a lot different than their sober version, and studies have come across an incredible discovery

A few drinks can turn the most reserved person into a dancing queen in no time! Afterwork parties are showing us a different side of people’s personalities. It’s hard to imagine your frustrated boss jumping around doing his silly dance moves, right?

It turns out that alcohol is actually a “truth serum” or “liquid courage” if you prefer it better. Spirits can make people leave their comfort zone and do things you’ve never seen them do before.

A group of psychology researchers from the University of Missouri tried to determine the true effect of alcohol. The results were published in 2017 in the Journal of Clinical Psychology Science.

Alcohol changes personality and general behavior
To get the best results, researchers split 156 participants into two groups. Those in group 1 had Sprite and vodka and the rest had Sprite. Participants were told to do a lot of activities to show their true personalities, and they were surrounded by groups of friends who had alcohol and soda.

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