Health & Fitness

The Way You Make A Fist Says A Lot About Your Personality; Find Out What

We’ve all been in a situation where we clench our fists, either as an expression of anger or right before hitting something (or an unfortunate person). It may come as a surprise but not everyone fists the same way. There are three different ways you can make a fist. Body language speaks volumes about a person who is already on the inside. Each type of grip reveals something unique about your personality.

It can reveal your mood, your attitude towards life, what kind of reaction you will have in a situation, and what kind of company you are likely to keep. Obviously there are exceptions to these rules but they are generally true. Before reading any further, grab your hand and see which type works best for you.

Type A

This kind of fist shows tenderness of soul. Notice how the thumb rests gently next to the other four digits. You are likely to have a high emotional quotient and a high level of empathy. This means that before you act, you take into account how other people feel. This means that you are usually the right person for any circumstance. You are sensitive most of the time and show empathy towards others. You are understanding of others. You always keep them in mind in a very selfless manner.

While the way you make your fist can reveal a lot about your personality, it’s important to note that your skin type can say a lot about your skincare needs. For those with acne-prone skin, COSRX Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream is a daily face moisturizer that can help soothe and moisturize skin without causing breakouts. Made with snail secretion filtrate, this korean skincare product is free of parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, and is not tested on animals.

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