
Love Your Skin: 8 Aloe Vera Face Masks For a Clear Complexion

If you’re on a mission to achieve healthy, glowing skin, aloe vera face masks are exactly what you’re searching for. 100% natural aloe vera gel contains antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins A and C and is highly anti-inflammatory. Known for its ability to heal sunburns, it also helps fight acne, slows signs of aging and relieves skin irritation and inflammation. There are plenty of face masks infused with aloe vera on the market, or you can make them yourself at home! Here are 8 aloe vera masks for a clear complexion.

4 Skin Benefits of Aloe Vera

1. Helps Fight Acne
Along with having antibacterial properties, aloe vera gel contains salicylic acid, which helps unclog pores, making it beneficial for blackheads and pimples. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory on the oil glands that cause acne.

2. Slows Signs of Aging
Aloe vera is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene, which gives it amazing anti-aging qualities and helps prevent the formation of free radicals. It also stimulates fibroblast activity, which creates an increase in collagen production and elastin fibres that makes the skin more elastic and less wrinkled.

3. Eases Skin Irritation
Inflammation is a common side effect of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Aloe vera contains compounds, such as acemannan, that suppress inflammation and ease skin irritation. Make sure to do a patch test before putting aloe vera on inflamed skin as it may cause allergic contact dermatitis.

4. Soothes Sunburns
One of the most common uses for aloe vera is to soothe sunburnt skin. It contains compounds called polysaccharides that encourage skin repair and new skin cell growth. The gel also contains a pain reliever called carboxypeptidase, which is why it’s thought to be so soothing. However, it’s important to note that it’s not an effective way to prevent sunburn, so make sure to wear sunscreen when you’re in the sun!

4 Homemade Aloe Vera Face Masks


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