
How To Clean Burnt Pots

Inside: Dealing with another burnt pot or pan? Check out these easy tips on how to clean burnt pots. You can easily clean burnt pots and pans without all the elbow grease.

how to clean burnt pots

A couple of months ago I was cooking some pasta for dinner when I completely forgot I had it on the stove. I had a timer set but we have the worlds quietest timer so I didn’t hear it go off until it was too late. My dog started acting really funny and when I went into the kitchen the pot was smoking.

The pasta was completely black on the bottom of the pot and I had to start dinner over again, but what I really was upset about was the pot. The pot was so burnt that I was afraid I had ruined it. This had happened one other time and I spent days scraping away at the pan.

I had heard of a few tricks for cleaning burnt pots and pans so I decided to give it a try. I kind of felt like I was doing a middle school science experiment, but it really did work. My pot is now clean and being used again. If you have ever wondered how to clean burnt pots without a bunch of scrubbing check out these tips below.

You can see below what my pot looked like in the beginning. It was covered with burnt gunk and still had pasta that was stuck around the edges. I started by letting mine soak in soapy water overnight.

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