
What Happens If You Don’t Wear A Bra

I Haven’t Worn A Regular Bra In Over Two Years’

When it comes to intimate wear, there’s one thing that bothers women a lot and that’s picking the right bra for them. If finding the right size and fit weren’t problematic enough to make the women go bonkers, there are issues about the style and utility as well – a regular bra or a sports bra, which one should you choose? But, whatever might be the issue, there’s just one thing that women need to focus on overall, and that’s to realize that it’s high time they stop denying that they have bra problems and start picking the right one.

We believe it’s a matter of a woman’s personal comfort and choice to choose the style of the bra she prefers, whether it’s a regular or a sports one. We decided to talk to a couple of women and ask them what they prefer. Here’s the story of a woman who swears by wearing sports bra everyday and also tells us that she hasn’t worn a regular bra for almost two years. Shocked, right? Let’s read her story.

Disclaimer: The person’s name has been changed for identity purposes.

Kristen’s Story


Yes, it’s been two years almost since I switched to sports bras exclusively for my everyday use. And let me tell you, me and my bust, we both have never been this happy.

In fact, you know there is this shopping bag, in a corner of my wardrobe which is filled with beautiful regular bras – there’s nude, black, neon, hot pink, and even the lacy ones. They have been there for two years and I think they need to be donated now (laughs). The only thing I regret is having wasted so much money on them.


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