
4 Reasons Your Hands Look Older Than They Are And What You Can Do About It

More than almost any other part of our bodies, our hands give a glaring reflection of the hard work we do each day. We generally work to pamper our faces while our hands are often neglected. Proof of this lies at “Guess Your Age” booths at local fairs. Professional “age guessers” look over your neck, face and eyes as they work to determine our approximate age, and they always, always grab your hands.

Our hands, often without the gentle daily care we work so hard to give our faces, take the brunt of the punishment of our hardworking days. There are ways, however, to undo the damage that time, hard work and sunshine do to your hands.

1. Help for Wrinkling Skin

Collagen works in our body to keep our skin firm and moist, but sunlight and wind can deplete the hands of collagen, leaving the skin looking thin and wrinkly. Natural ingredients such as organic virgin coconut oil and shea butter can restore new life to time-worn hands.

2. Help for Dry Hands

Hands that don’t carry enough moisture often look older than they are. In order to replenish the moisture that our hardworking hands so desperately need, try adding these two simple steps to your beauty routine:

  • Drink more water to moisturize your hands from the inside out.
  • Do a once or twice weekly homemade hand scrub that will remove dry, dead skin cells and replenish your hands with much needed moisture. Read below for one of my favorite moisturizing hand scrub recipes.

All-Natural Moisturizing Hand Scrub Recipe

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