Health & Fitness

Mix These 2 Ingredients And Destroy Any Cysts And Fibroids

Cysts on the ovaries and fibroids in the uterus are both benign growths that rarely show any symptoms. They are typically accompanied by pain, bloating, or bleeding.  Both of these non-cancerous growths are very common,  affecting up to 75 percent of women.

Fibroids can range in size and number, from tiny to large, from single growth to countless growths.  Cysts also vary in number, from a single to multiple cysts, out of which the most complex type is the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Location and texture are the major differences between the two, as cysts are filled with fluid while fibroids are dense tissue.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

  •     None
  •     Sharp pain in the pelvic cavity
  •     Pressure with ovualation

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

  •     None
  •     Lower abdominal pain or lower back pain
  •     Constipation
  •     Uterine cramping, from mild to severe
  •     Bleeding, heavy or light
  •     Pressure on the bladder/ rectum

The amazing remedy presented in this article is made of only 2 ingredients, but it is extremely effective in fighting off many different health issues, particularly cysts and fibroids.

The key ingredient in this remedy is the houseleek, a widely used house plant which was initially cultivated by the Romans and Greeks.It has been cultivated along with other plants in order to protect them from pests, insects, and caterpillars.

The Latin name of the houseleek means “always living”, and this plant definitely deserves its name, as it can endure almost any health condition. It provides numerous medicinal nutrients, especially when it comes to treating cysts and fibroids.



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