

Your forties can be some of the most important years for your health, particularly if you are a woman. Your body begins to change; you experience hot flashes, reduced memory, increased stress, and possibly a mid-life crisis somewhere along the way.

Any Woman Over 40 Should Be Using This Essential Oil Every Day


Clary Sage Oil, The Essential Oil For Women Over 40

Clary sage oil (Salvia sclarea) has been used since the 4th century BCE for its many health properties that alleviate the many unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Whether you’re concerned about your stress, mood, digestion, skin or your menstrual discomfort, take a look at these eight remarkable benefits of clary sage for women over 40, and how you can use the essential oil for yourself.

Your forties can be some of the most important years for your health, particularly if you are a woman. Your body begins to change; you experience hot flashes, reduced memory, increased stress, and possibly a mid-life crisis somewhere along the way.

1 Balances Hormones
Clary sage contains natural phytoestrogens, also known as “dietary estrogens”, which are derived from plants. The phytoestrogens regulate estrogen levels in the body and the long-term health of the uterus. As we age, our risk for certain cancers increases. A healthy uterus can reduce the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.

Excess estrogen can cause a wide range of health issues such as infertility, polycystic ovaries, and estrogen-based cancers. A lot of this is due to eating a high-estrogen diet, and clary sage can help keep your estrogen levels in check.

The results from a 2014 study conducted on post-menopausal women found that clary sage oil could be a natural remedy for depression; reducing cortisol levels by 36 percent and significantly improving thyroid.

TIP: When inhaling clary sage, open the bottle of oil and take a gentle whiff in order to balance your mood and hormones.

2 Alleviates Menstrual Pain
When hormone levels are balanced, clary sage can reduce the symptoms of PMS; bloating, mood swings, cramps, and food cravings. As an antispasmodic, it can minimize the spasms and contractions that occur when the uterine lining begins to shed. By relaxing nerve impulses, clary sage will also alleviate cramping, stomach pains, and headache.

An 8-year study by Oxford Brooks University revealed that clary sage oil in aromatherapy reduced anxiety, fear and physical pain in women during childbirth. Along with chamomile oil, clary sage oil proved the most effective in reducing discomfort.

TIP: For the relief of menstrual cramps, use clary sage oil as a massage lubricant by diluting 5 drops in coconut or jojoba oil. Apply the mixture to affected areas.

3 Prevents Infection
A 2015 study revealed that clary sage could be used as a topical treatment for wounds and skin infections, due to its antiseptic properties. As an antimicrobial, the study showed that it had strong antistaphylococcal activity against bacterial strains that usually affect wounds.

TIP AND WARNING: Do not apply excessive amounts of any essential oil to an open wound, use around 5 drops to see effective results.

4 Relieves Stress

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