Health & Fitness

6 Ways to Activate Hormones That Will Help You Burn Fat Faster

Hormones play a huge role in how our body functions and each of them is responsible for specific work. While one makes us feel hungry, the other does exactly the opposite.

While one tells our brain that we need to store fat only, another activates the body to start burning, as if tomorrow would not exist. The trick is how to learn to activate the hormones that affect us positively and how to exclude the negative ones.

Today we reveal 6 ways you can do this:

1.The hormone that makes you feel hungry
Ghrelin is a hormone that sends a message to your brain that it’s time to eat. An interesting fact is that reducing calorie intake stimulates ghrelin production, and even though you have been on a low-calorie diet for 12 months, its level may still be high. This is one reason why low-calorie nutrition diets are not effective in the long run. Our body just can’t get used to it.

What can you do?

The good news is that intense cardio workouts can reduce ghrelin levels.

Cardio exercises can include running, weight training, boxing, and the like, as long as your heart rate rises to a certain level. Reaching this level is important and there are many different tools you can use to read your heart rate. But there is an easier way to understand when you have achieved it. If you breathe too fast and you can still talk but can’t sing, then your heart rate is probably at the right level.

2.The hormone that tells you to eat less

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