Health & Fitness

With This Citrus Diet You Can Lose Weight From 12 To 17 Kg Per Month!

Citrus Diet is one of the best known and most effective fruit diet.  Keeping with this diet needs a strong will and perseverance and the results can really surprise you. What are the benefits of citrus diet and general involvement of citrus fruits in the daily diet?

Mild citrus diet   

If in your daily diet, include oranges, tangerines, limes and grapefruit – you can lose a few pounds without holding some special diet. It is already proven that citrus fruit is great at burning fat, because it contains enzymes that stimulate digestion. In addition, it contains vitamin C, who speeds up metabolism and eliminates toxins from the body.

Strict citrus diet

First of all it should be noted that strict citrus diet is different from “ordinary” citrus diet  by limitations in the choice of ingredients. The advantage of this diet is that you can lose weight from 12 to 17 kg per month. Of course, this result is not as common, but women can lose weight, on average, about 11 kg a month, which is quite a figure but constantly keeping this diet is not suggested. Because this diet is fairly demanding and restrictive is not a recommended for  implementation for more than 5 to 7 days. After that you can make a break  3 days and you may repeat the cycle.

Example daily menu


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