Health & Fitness

How To Lose Weight Before your Wedding

Are you getting married in the near future and already having butterflies in the stomach? Let’s figure this out – all that stress and erratic eating habits that happened over the past few months when you were planning out every little detail for the D-day has taken a toll on your health and those extra pounds are showing up at all the wrong places now. We understand that the slight pooch and flabby arms are giving you sleepless nights, and the extra kilos are standing between you and your dreamy wedding outfit. Fret not, we are here to help so that you can look your best on one of the most important days of your life. Do not think about losing weight to look lean, it’s also about feeling amazing and healthy. Looking good is not about looking perfect in every wedding pic, it’s about feeling fit and confident. And to achieve that, don’t even think about crash dieting or consider those heavily advertised fat-cutter pills because you definitely do not want to reel under the side effects associated with them. Lose weight the healthy way, and do not get caught up in the pressure trying to get slim – feel healthy and terrific while being the center of everyone’s attention at your fairytale wedding. So, coming back, here’s how to lose weight before your wedding.

1. Lose Weight by Dieting the Healthy Way:

Here’s a sincere advice – never compromise on nutrition even while trying to lose weight. People often think that crash dieting would fetch faster weight loss, but crash dieting is based on the concept of food deprivation which can trigger nutritional deficiencies, which in turn may cause hair fall and skin issues. Also, crash dieting can make you look malnourished – you want to look leaner and toned in your wedding outfit, not weak and frail, right? Lose weight the healthy way by following the Rati Beauty diet which places great importance on eating the right kind of food to burn excess fat. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

2. Clean out the Kitchen and Pantry:

Whilst you are planning the wedding outfit, makeup, and other details, do take time to clean out the kitchen, pantry, and refrigerator and throw out processed, junk, and packaged food. With hectic planning, increased stress, it’s easy to reach out for high-calorie and unhealthy food stored in the kitchen and refrigerator for comfort and to calm jittery nerves. Go through these posts for ideas on what needs to be thrown out from your diet – 24 Worst Foods in your Fridge that Prevent Weight Loss, 10 Things you Should Throw Away From the Kitchen to Lose Weight.

3. Practice Portion Control:

Practicing portion control is essential to get into a calorie deficit because that’s when the body reaches out to stored fat to use up as energy. Calorie deficit can be easily be achieved without compromising on nutrition by practicing portion control, without actually starving through the day. In this post, we list out “10 ways to cut portion sizes without getting hungry all over again.”

4. Increase Fiber and Protein:


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