What a Woman’s Sleeping Position Reveals About Her
We all have a favorite sleeping position, the one that helps us fall asleep easily and feel comfortable. However, did you know that there is a strong connection between a women’s sleeping position and her personality? Your sleeping habits and positions can say a lot about your personality. The following sleep positions indicate specific personality traits as well as understanding underlying stresses we may be facing.
1. Back Sleepers (Board/Soldier Sleep Position)
If a woman sleeps on her back with the arms near the bodies and down to the side, it indicates that the woman is quiet, reserved, and takes herself very seriously and structured. However, this sleep position can trigger issues with snoring, which can decrease the overall quality of sleep. Overall, this position is considered the best for pain prevention.
2. Fetal Position
If a woman sleeps on the side with knees pulled towards the chest, it shows that she is shy, sensitive, and worries too much. This is probably the most common sleeping position among women. The fetal position also indicates that the woman tends to over-think a problem and has a tough exterior. Moreover, she is warm, conscientious, and organized.
3. Stomach Sleepers (Freefall Sleep Position)
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