Health & Fitness

Top 10 Common Habits that Damage Your Kidneys

Looking for treatment after the illness is too obvious but have you ever tried to find the reason behind your illness. It is sorrowful but in today’s time, there is a rapid spurt in health issues. Though we have made the advancement in technology, our life style and eating habits are deteriorating the quality of life.

Kidney diseases have been listed in the category of common and life threatening diseases. Kidney diseases are referred as silent diseases, the decay of kidneys can be steady and remained unnoticeable for years because kidneys can even perform their job with 20% of capacity.

Kidneys are the bean shaped organs in our body which are responsible for filtering blood, absorb minerals, produce urine, produce hormones, eliminate toxins and neutralize acids. Impairment in kidney function affects your over all health so take care of your kidneys before it is too late.

Here we are going to discuss common habits which are capable to destruct the kidney health.

1. Insufficient Water Intake

Drinking plenty of water helps the kidneys to eliminate sodium and toxins from the body. So, insufficient water intake can cause huge damage to your kidneys. When our body is deprived of enough water then blood in the body becomes concentrated, due to this blood flow to kidneys also gets reduced. Further it hinders the kidneys’ ability to eliminate toxins from the body and more toxins in the body means more health problems.

2. High Salt Consumption

High salt intake in the diet can cause great damage to kidneys as well as other organs also. Kidneys work is to metabolize about 95 percent of the sodium consumed through food. When salt is high in our meals then kidney have to work harder to expel the excess salt. This in turn can reduce kidneys functioning. It leads to water retention in body which can a cause rise in blood pressure and accelerate the risk of kidney disease.

3. Overdoing of Painkillers


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