Health & Fitness

Get Rid Of Spider Veins In These 7 Natural Methods

Spider veins or varicose veins pop up in several parts of our bodies, primarily on our legs. It’s common among women and it is most visible if you don’t exercise, have varicose veins in your genetic history or you are getting older. It’s a lot more common if you are going through pregnancy too.

What are a few symptoms of Spider Veins?

Spider veins have the following symptoms:


Legs become heavy and really uncomfortable.

Ankles and feet get swollen

Legs will have a burning sensation

Cramps, especially in your legs

Itchy and thinning skin around the affected veins

During warm periods or when you are standing for too long, these symptoms may go worse.

Some of the ways you can deal with them are:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This mixture increases blood flow and also helps to bring down any form of swelling. Just use apple cider vinegar around the area affected and then, massage it. Doing it every day just before you go to bed will lead to great results. Don’t apply excess pressure on those affected areas. It will aggravate the problem.

2. Parsley


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