Health & Fitness

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here Are the 6 Signs

We all know that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. This is true for every illness, and it is very crucial when you do not actually know the precise symptoms. So, today we will present you some symptoms that people usually ignore and these can indicate the possibility of having a heart attack. If you know them, you can take better care of yourself.

6 Signs of an Impending Heart Attack


1. Tiredness

One of the main symptoms is fatigue. Women have this symptom more than men do. You need to know the physical and mental exertion do not cause fatigue, they are relieved when the day is over. So, this symptom can indicate a heart attack. Sometimes, you might have difficulties with making your bed or taking a shower.

2. Stomachache

Stomachache, distressed stomach or bloated stomach are one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack. They can appear in both men and women. Usually, before a heart attack, you will get a relief of the stomach pain and then it will happen again. If you are physically strained then the pains might get worse.

3. Insomnia

Insomnia occurs in women more than men. It is connected to a heart attack or a stroke. Also, it is followed by anxiety and forgetfulness. The symptoms are trouble maintaining sleep, trouble falling asleep, waking up early and feeling nauseous and nervous.

4. Arrhythmia


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