Health & Fitness

How To Build A Freezer Stash

Even before my first was born, I knew I wanted to breastfeed him for as long as it was possible. Although I had my share of struggles with breastfeeding all my kids in the early days, they all turned out to be successful journeys and most importantly; happy kids.

My Biggest Fear

One of my biggest fears was returning to work.
I didn’t feel ready to stop breastfeeding. Besides, I didn’t know what I was going to do when the time arrived.

I read so much about pumping before going back to work and I found a lot of information very useful.

And so, while on maternity leave I decided to try and build up a freezer stash.

How I Went About It

During a breastfeeding class I attended, they stated that you’d only need to produce enough milk to fill one or two bottles to send to day-care.

But this was going to be my first day back at work and I needed to ensure I had more than that just in case anything happened to my supply.

It’s not an essential step but if you feel anxious it may help.


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