FoodHealth & Fitness

10 Best Herbs and Spices For Weight Loss

Losing weight could be an uphill battle for most of us and we constantly try to seek ways by which we could be able to achieve our desired weight in the quickest, most comfortable and less depriving way possible – if it is at all possible to achieve it that way.

Diet and exercise are still the best bets to achieve weight loss.  The struggle to stick to our diets is real and people always look for the best weight loss foods that aren’t necessarily unappetizing nor uninteresting.

Herbs and spices provide a means by which we can enjoy the food we eat while on a diet.  They provide flavor and aroma that will titillate our palates and olfactory senses keeping us sane enough to see our diets through.

Here are some herbs and spices that are not only good for your health but can also help you in your struggle to lose that weight.

1. Black pepper

Black pepper is a staple in most dining tables.  Everywhere you go, black pepper together with salt are the ever-present commodities in most dining facilities.

They provide us with the means to add flavor to meals served that might not come up to our desired taste. But have you taken a second look at pepper?

Black pepper contains an active ingredient called piperine.  It improves digestion, boosts your metabolism, and ultimately – promotes weight loss.  Apart from these, it also helps suppress hunger and control your appetite.

A simple black tea made from freshly ground black pepper and water would be enough but you can choose to up the flavors by adding in some honey or ginger.

2. Cinnamon


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