
Lemon, Salt And Pepper Can Solve These 9 Problems Better Than Any Medicine

Salt, pepper and lemon are not just great in salad – they can treat a wide range of diseases and conditions naturally and without side-effects. Here’s what they can help you with:

Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of black pepper and a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle the mixture a couple of times a day to relieve your sore throat and prevent coughs.

In order to relieve your stuffed nose, you need to sneeze, and you can do that right away if you sniff a mixture of black pepper, cinnamon, cumin and cardamom. Sniff the mixture slowly and you’ll relieved your stuffy nose instantly.

Gallstones will obstruct your digestive system and can be very painful. They are hardened deposits of digestive fluids that form in your gallbladder and needs to be resolved as soon as possible. In order to do that, you need to take a mixture of 3 parts olive oil and 1 part of lemon and black pepper.
Weight LossThe polyphenols in lemons can prevent weight gain and improve your insulin sensitivity which will result in better fat burn. To accelerate your metabolism and burn more fat, you should drink a mixture of ¼ of a teaspoon of ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of organic honey mixed in a glass of warm water. Drinking the mixture regularly will provide incredible results!



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