
DIY Natural Sinus Relief Body Balm

Are you searching for a natural way to clear up your sinus? We’ll show you how to make a natural sinus relief body balm that works wonders. It’s easy too!

Making your own balms or salves to use in your household may seem a bit daunting at first, if you’ve never tried it. That’s why a lot of people buy a pre-made sinus relief balm instead. There are many recipes out there on the web, though, and some are much more complicated than others.

If you are using dried herbs in your salves (like this Calendula Lavender Salve) rather than essential oils, they take more time and work. They also require a lot more product as well since dried herbs cost more per dose and give much less potency than an essential oil does.

Using only essential oils for the scent and their therapeutic uses is cost effective. You get much more bang for your buck since a 15 mL bottle of essential oil gives you 250 drops, plus it saves you time, energy and effort.

This recipe uses just a few ingredients in the base and then adds in the essential oils. It works more effectively as a topical treatment than just the oils by themselves because it stays there for a much longer time. So if you’re using a salve for a use like clearing your breathing and natural sinus relief, it works great over a longer period of time.

The oils used in this natural sinus relief recipe all have some wonderful benefits for your body and more than just the ones they are in this recipe for.

Rosemary essential oil is great for anything related to sinuses and respiratory relief. It helps clear the sinuses and get rid of mucous while being having antibacterial properties. I love using it to increase focus and memory retention. It is easily a favorite oil for its many uses and for its aroma too.

Lemon essential oil cleanses and helps open you up, and the scent is wonderful, too! It’s very uplifting, which is something we all need when we’re not feeling 100%..


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