Health & Fitness

Japan Has a 66% Lower Breast Cancer Rate Than The U.S. — This Is The Nutrient Missing From Our Diet

Breast cancer can be prevented, and it’s important that you eat healthy, exercise regularly, avoid stressful situations and environmental toxins. Some researchers believe that mammograms can help you prevent breast cancer.

But, the radiation emitted from mammograms triggers the development of breast cancer cells. In other words, instead of preventing cancer, mammograms often lead to over-diagnosis and over-treatment.

Focus on your dietary habits. Increase your iodine intake. Although iodine is primarily associated with the thyroid gland, iodine reserves are more concentrated in the breast. This makes iodine essential for women.

Iodine is also important for the brain development in babies. Iodine reserves in the body guarantee that the baby is getting enough iodine. When it comes to women, iodine deficiency can cause health problems and even breast cancer.

Iodine deficiency and breast cancer

Iodine stimulates the production of estrogen, which increases the risk of developing reproductive cancers and breast cancer. Low iodine levels increase estrogen sensitivity in the breast, and this creates perfect soil for the development of breast cancer.

Dr. Bernard Eskin, a pioneer in iodine research, the lack of iodine in breast tissue leads to pre-cancerous alterations, and iodine can reverse these. Lab studies confirm that iodine can trigger apoptosis and inhibited tumor growth, and normal cells remain intact.

American women today


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