Health & Fitness

Garlic supplement sweeps plaque from your arteries

Supplement shown to stop plaque buildup

Do you have friends who are those “sciencey” types?

You know who I mean.

When you post something online about natural medicine, they come back at you quick as lightening with, “where’s the science to back that up?”

Well, I’ve got something important you are going to love sharing with them…

Science has now shown that garlic — aged garlic to be specific — can reverse the buildup of deadly plaque in your arteries.

The medicinal benefits of allium plants, especially garlic, have long been valued in folk remedies, and rightly so. Atherosclerosis is one of the biggest contributors to heart disease, and it now appears it can be halted with 2,400 milligrams of aged garlic extract.

How well does garlic work against plaque?

Researchers chose 55 patients who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, and using Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA), they measured their total coronary plaque volume as well as dense calcium, non-calcified plaque and low-attenuation plaque.

After that initial evaluation, the patients were given either a placebo or a 2,400mg dose of aged garlic extract every day for one year. At the end of the year, follow up screening revealed that those who had taken the aged garlic extract had slowed total plaque accumulation by 80 percent!


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