Health & Fitness

12 Everyday Stretches That Will Help You Stay Flexible And Fit At Any Age

The first things first: Be seated with some good posture. Doing that will help you do these stretches correctly.


You should keep your chin back and also down so therefore your neck will be aligned with the rest oft he spine.

Neck rotation

You should start with some neck rotations but be sure to hold each side for 30 to 60 seconds. This applies to all stretches. In a slow way turn your head to your right and hold. Then face forward and then repeat tot he left.

Neck tilt

For this one, make sure to pull your left arm down toward the floor, by holding onto the chair or just pulling down. You should tilt your neck tot he right side and drape your right arm over your head near the left ear, then switch the sides and repeat.

Trunk rotation

By keeping your posture solid, move through your trunk rotations, again holding 30 to 60 seconds. Your should look over your shoulder with your arms being crossed, and rotate to your right. Then face forward and repeat tot he left.


To do this pose, a little bit of-bend is all you need. It is actually enough to stretch out your spine without going too far. Go a little bit back and bend to stretch the spine.

Trunk lateral flexion

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