As A Woman, You Shouldn’t Ignore These 10 Symptoms Of Cancer
There are many wrong beliefs and misconceptions surrounding cancer. One of them is that cancer is a hereditary disease. There are many more such myths about cancer.
No matter what your age, you may develop cancer. This is more probable if the gene responsible for cancer is a faulty one.
There are a few cancers affecting only women. They are- vaginal cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer. Another type of cancer which mostly occurs in females is breast cancer.
Regular cancer screenings are recommended but you can identify signs of this disease by yourself. Following 10 signs are vital in the identification of cancer in women-
1. Any Changes In Your Breast
Sometimes even mammography tests fail to detect breast cancer. If you find a knot-like thing or a lump in your breast, you shouldn’t ignore it.
Even if only one of the breasts feel sore or radiating heat or see redness and swelling, pay heed.
But one crucial symptom is when your breast size changes irregularly. If the skin of your breast puckers up, it is also a vital sign.
Also, if only 1 of your breasts is oozing out bloody or slightly clear secretions, it might be due to cancer.
2. Irregular Periods
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