Health & Fitness

How to Do 3 — Day Complete Body Sugar Detox, Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

Numerous studies have shown that sugar, in addition to carbohydrates and lipids, is a major factor in the few additional pounds you gain.

You are not at risk if you take sugar in moderation, although many individuals do it without even realizing it. Numerous foods and beverages, including sodas, breakfast cereals, pouch juices, salad dressings, yogurt, and sweets, contain sugar. Additionally, some simple carbs like honey, pure fruit juice, raisins, mangos, and bananas contain sugar.

The most prevalent symptoms of a sugar overdose in humans are hyperactivity, which leads to fatigue, yeast infections, depression, headaches, colds or sinus problems, mental confusion, and sleepiness.

Increased diabetes risk, heart disease, and cancer development, particularly breast cancer, are additional issues that sugar can cause.

How sugar consumption and weight gain are related?

When you consume too much sugar, your body uses as much as it needs to boost energy, while the rest that is not needed is stored as fat.

It is important to know that added sugar is not the same as natural sugar. It gets to the intestines and the body reacts to it as intestinal bacteria and increases the levels of blood sugar. At the end, this becomes fat which is visible in the waist, hips and thighs.

Say NO to Sugar

Maybe it sounds impossible, quitting sugar can be done. During this process you will go through classic withdrawal symptoms of any addiction, such as sadness, headaches, queasiness, fatigue and cravings.

Sugar cravings occur after the meal is digested and your body sends signals to the brain that it is hungry again. This is when you reach for that sweet dessert.

You should stay away from it and don’t consume any added sugar. Try a little at the beginning, not all at once because you will want it more. Cut out one added sugar product at time.

At first you will feel bad and you will experience cravings, but after a while you will feel much better and improve your health after some period.

This article gives you a 3 day diet plan that does miracles:


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