Health & Fitness

9 Surprising Things That Can Make You Poop

It’s safe to say, it’s important to poo. Not only does it help your body eliminate toxins and have better digestion, but it can also prevent that uncomfortable, tight jean feeling we all hate. So, knowing things that can make you poop, especially when you’re hit with a bout of constipation or abdominal pain, can be truly lifesaving.

As a certified health coach, I work with clients on keeping a regular digestive schedule, as the body can get pretty tripped up when it’s backed up. Usually this means eating a high fiber diet, fitting in adequate exercise, getting enough sleep, and basically just keeping a pretty healthy, standard lifestyle. Plus, a probiotic can also help regulate the gut (in capsule form). Yet, sometimes the body resists the urge to poop and gets off track. This can last for a few days, but also a few weeks (which you can imagine, totally sucks). Whether you’re constipated from a direct trigger, like a vacation or a few slices of matzoh, or you’re chronically a bit more bloated, it’s best to remedy the situation, stat. If you’re having a hard time pooping, look to these 10 easy tricks for stimulating the digestive tract and getting some of that sh*t out.

1. Drinking Water

Sure, you might know the basics for getting things going, like eating fibrous foods, such as beans, legumes, and whole grains, but you can also become constipated when you’re not drinking enough water in the day, explains Elizabeth Ann Shaw, MS, RD, CLT, over email with Bustle. Dehydration can lead to a build up, so drink fluids throughout to stay regular.

2. Squatting

According to a 2012 study published in the Digestive Diseases and Sciences journal, squatting can make you poop, so it might be worth doing a few more sets at the gym to get your body used to the movement. Just think: When it burns and you want to complain, remember these other super important benefits.

3. Drink Warm Water With Lemon


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