Health & Fitness

9 Side Effects Of Castor Oil You Should Be Aware Of

Several side effects of castor oil may make you think twice about using it. The most common side effects of castor oil include skin rashes, diarrhea, nausea, and muscle cramps. In addition, both internal and topical castor oil has been linked with other side effects.

This article discusses the possible side effects of castor oil, what you can do about them, and the recommended dosage of castor oil.

In This Article

Castor Oil – A Brief

Castor oil is the pale yellow liquid that is extracted from castor seeds (Ricinus communis). The Egyptians must be credited for recognizing its benefits and putting them to use.

Castor oil is used in cosmetics, medicines, massage oils, and medicines – given its powerful therapeutic benefits. Around 90% of the oil is comprised of ricinoleic acid, which is its primary healing agent .

Castor oil was first used as lamp fuel by the Egyptians before its healing properties were discovered. As evidence of its popularity, castor seeds have been discovered in pyramids dating to 4000 BC.

However, recent research associates multiple side effects with castor oil. Read the sections below to know what they are, and what possibly causes them.

How Can Castor Oil Cause Side Effects?

Castor oil is classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and effective for use as a laxative. It is processed in the small intestine to release an active molecule called ricinoleic acid, along with other products (2).

Ricinoleic acid was suspected to be toxic to humans. But rat studies under the National Toxicology Program cleared it, stating that castor oil at concentrations up to 10% in the diet of rats was not toxic. A few human studies also produced concurrent results (2).

However, other animal trials with undiluted castor oil showed adverse effects. Ricinoleic acid, though not toxic by itself, may enhance the penetration of other chemicals through your skin. This may result in skin irritation and gut issues (2).

Here are some side effects you might want to watch out for.

What Are The Side Effects Of Castor Oil?

1. Nausea

Castor oil overdose can cause nausea. Though recovery is likely, not controlling the nauseating symptoms can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This oil is also used as a preparation means for radiological and colonoscopy examinations (3), (4).

However, most patients fail to tolerate its aftertaste and oily texture. As per an Iranian study, castor oil-induced nausea can also be accompanied by vomiting, abdominal fullness, and cramps (4).

Related: 13 Effective Home Remedies To Stop Vomiting And Nausea

2. Skin Rashes

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