Health & Fitness

9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

It is a vital female sex hormone as it causes the secondary sexual characteristics of a woman to emerge. When estrogen levels are increased or decreased, the body puts on weight.  Consuming lots of fiber can decrease the amount of estrogen produced. Regular exercise also works.

Neuropeptide Y (NPY)

The cells belonging to the brain and the nervous system produce this hormone which makes you feel hungry, especially for carbs. It is produced in higher amounts when a person is stressed and causes binge eating. A high-protein diet, regular meals, and consuming soluble fires can help reduce the levels of NPY.

Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1)

When food goes into the lower digestive tract, it produced GLP-1. This hormone stabilizes blood sugar and decreases your appetite.  Ensure that your diet as lots of protein by eating foods like fish and yogurt. Add plenty of leafy greens and probiotics and this will increase GLP-1 levels.

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

This hormone is very similar to GLP-1 and those who have high levels of it usually see a decrease in appetite.  This also requires lots of protein and healthy fats like the fat found in fish. CCK levels rise when you ingest a lot of fiber.

Peptide YY (PYY)

This hormone is also produced by the gut and helps reduce appetite. Follow a diet which contains very little carbs and lots of organic food. Consume lots of protein and fiber.

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